Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday Moments || You & your camera

The theme last week was flowers! And you all voted for Lori from Davidson Den to be the winner!!! Great picture! You can get your button here :)

Now the theme this week is...You & your camera!! As photographers we all have taken pictures with our cameras :)

So here's mine:

-One photo per person/blog please.
-You can link up using your blog or flickr, or anything else.
-The photo needs to be taken by you, and you only.
-All photos need to be appropriate.
-You need to link up to the direct post/photo.
-If there is more then one picture in your post, please specify which photo you are entering.
-Please comment on at least 3 other entries.
-Each photo needs to be linked back to Captured Moments photography or has to have the button in the post.
-Entries need to be linked up by Thursday night.

Here is the button:

I can't wait to see your entry :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my goodness!
    Just got my new camera yesterday, and this is so perfect!
    Im so linking up! :D :D
