Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Presenting..our surprise!

Ok so I know i'm a bit late on posting the surprise, but our power was out for a day, then our internet was out for 2 days, and our power has been out all day today! :( But here's the surprise!

On Friday the 13th (our anniversary of being in Uganda for 1 year) we went swimming with some of our friends here, while Dad was in Kampala getting the last of our things. Now I knew the surprise was coming (it's kinda hard not to HEAR things in this house :P) So after swimming for 3 hours we headed home and waited Dad's return. Once we heard his horn honk at the gate everyone ran out to meet him. And this little fella was at the wheel with him :D 

This is Severus (named by Me! But agreed on by everyone :P) Isn't he so cute?!?! He is....part German shepherd and....well we don't actually know what kind of dog he is! But he likes to be in the center of attention (like yesterday my mom and I were cooking in the kitchen, which is small as it is, and he laid right in front of the oven...) 

He's a super sweet dog though, and we're very happy that Dad brought him home to us :D 


  1. Awww he's sooo cute! :D Congrats! I like his name, btw. ;)

  2. Aw! He's sooooooo cute! Congrats! I hope that you enjoy him lots. :)
    Lots of love
    Tane ♥

  3. Oh my goodness! What a precious puppy!!
